An amazing location to experience the world we live in, in a way we have forgotten in the busy world we live in. Use your senses to really ‘feel’ the world around us. A chance to wake up and really enjoy the world around us.
Dode Church is nestled into a beautiful wooded valley and is beautiful in its own right, a nostalgic view of our own past. The perfect base for a voyage of discovery.
A deluxe pack lunch is included in the price
A knowledgeable guide who really got me thinking about many things I would not normally take the time to think about and appreciate. A fantastic opportunity to take some time to enjoy the here and now in the countryside, put your work and phone to one side and appreciate what’s around you. I saw many different birds (including a jay and a buzzard), I could hear squirrels in the leaves and birds in the branches of the trees above our heads. I felt the bark of many different trees. I learnt so much about the countryside and wildlife
Amazing value for money. Antony Boden Nov 2021
Tickets can be booked via the link here: